Anatoly Finkel
Dimona, Israel
Odessa, November 1941.
Paper, water colour, 40x30 сm
The picture is in a Museum Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
The letter of a museum from July 24 1995.
In October 1941 in Odessa was hung and was shot up not less than 5 thousand men.
Nikolaev, September 1941 .
Paper, water colour, 40x30 сm
The picture is in a Museum of the Veterans of Great Patriotic War
in Dimona, Israel
Destruction of the Jews of Nikolaevs.
Them shot and dug in ditches behind city. The close relatives the wife of the author there were lost.
Don't forget
Paper, water colour, 40x30 сm
The picture is in a Museum of the Veterans of Great Patriotic War
in Dimona, Israel